Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Guillermo Del Torro is best known for his famous horror films. In his movies, he uses monsters to express his feelings toward monsters and he identify his films by using monsters because of his deep passion towards them. He also tries to give others a creative side and unique imagination. Del Toro creates these monsters to emphasize the reality of his work. As a child Del Toro had many thoughts and dreams of monsters, which now greatly has an affect on his work.

In the Devil's Backbone Del Toro used an orphanage as a building of gothic romance and used the ghost story to prove the same thing that he wanted to prove in Pan's Labyrinth, that is the only real monsters are human. In the Devil's Backbone,emphasized on the true definition of a ghost because a ghost is a tragedy doomed to repeat itself time and time again and something dead that still seems to be alive. His intentions were to express to viewers that his reason for using ghosts were to show othere hat the ghost are not what they are afraid of and that what they are really afraid of are people.

In Pan's Labyrinth, Guillermo Del Torro used the pale man for the viewers to find his work more appealing. When he use these effects thaey are only tools to make his work look less like a fairytale and more realistic.

From my point of view I would say that Guillermo Del Toro has a significant relationship with monsters and treat his monsters as if they are real people.

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